Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Brain

Researchers have recently identified something in the human brain that they are calling the ‘Hate Circuit’, which consists of two subcortical areas of the brain that work in concert to create the emotional response of hatred in human beings. The Wellcome Laboratory of Neurobiology at UCL discovered this circuit in a study they conducted, wherein the brains of participants were scanned as they were  shown pictures of people they personally hated, interspersed with other familiar, but otherwise neutral acquaintances.

When the subjects were shown pictures of the hated subject, two areas called the putamen and the insular cortex kicked into high gear. These areas are also associated with motor planning–so when the participants saw the control, their brains immediately began preparing to act.

Now, that’s not to say they were revving up to fight or to flee–just gearing up for some sort of physical reaction. But if you’re not fighting or running, and your brain is still signaling some kind of action, what do you think that action’s going to be?

That’s right, science has officially found the ‘fuck youcenter of the brain.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sounds Like Someone Needs A Sexy Party

The Parents Television Council is filing an indecency complaint with the Federal Communications Commission against Fox's "Family Guy" for a March 8 episode that included -- and this is from the press release -- "bestiality, orgies and babies eating sperm." They are urging their purported 1.3 million members to file FCC complaints against "Family Guy" as well. The organization has a history of taking issue with the show's content and series creator Seth MacFarlane was asked about the PTC last year:

"Oh, yeah. That’s like getting hate mail from Hitler. They’re literally terrible human beings. I’ve read their newsletter, I’ve visited their website, and they’re just rotten to the core. For an organization that prides itself on Christian values — I mean, I’m an atheist, so what do I know? — they spend their entire day hating people. They can all suck my d**k as far as I’m concerned."

I have no idea why the PTC would want to subvert the First Amendment, other than the fact that they are a bunch of right-wing Jesus-freak communists who hate America.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's A Wonder My Pants Are Still On

A new Wonder Woman animated feature was released recently, and I'm eager to get my hands on it after watching this trailer... then again, I'm a big fan of scantily-dressed women kicking serious ass, so my interest in this was a given.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'd Hit It With An Inverse Tachyon Beam

The brand-new trailer for the new Star Trek movie is out, and it's making me go all fanboy... Action packed space battles! Sex! Actors that don't look like they need to empty their colostomy bags! It's everything the previous Star Trek movies weren't... and that's a good thing.

My Stomach Just Popped a Boner

I stumbled across the information on how to construct a Bacon Cheese Pizza Burger today, and I have to say I'm stoked. I cannot think of a more exciting and enjoyable way to make myself epically sick than the beautiful marriage of too much ground beef, too much bacon, too much cheese, and two large-ass pizzas!

Of course, I'm one of those rare few people for whom cholesterol is an urban legend and still wear the same size pants they did in high school. Those of you who get winded moving from the bed to the couch might want take caution in their approach to this culinary masterpiece...