Sometimes a little soap-operatic, sometimes just plain hokey, Smallville still never failed to deliver a potent combination of super-powered coolness and hot tasty babes. With the addition of Laura Vandervoort (see picture inset), things were only getting better...
Until the Writer's Strike took all my fun away. Why do the writers hate fanboys? Don't they undertand that without fresh new episodes, our attention spans wander away? (Pay no attention to the Trekkies who obsessively watch the same old TOS episodes over and over again... they're a mutant strain of fanboy we try not to acknowledge.)
What's wrong with Star Trek? Them's fighting words!!
Nothing wrong with Star Trek... as a matter fact, I'm heartsick that there aren't any new episodes or new series available...
To get a quick fix, check out my post about the Latest Star Trek Novel yesterday... it was pretty good, and I could lend it to you if you like, Jaromayo (since I know where you live....)
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